This year at Easter I was a bit overwhelmed. Home with a newborn there just never seemed to be enough time to get anything done, I hadn't fallen into a new routine yet and well frankly I was just exhausted. I was planning on putting the kid’s baskets together but honestly that was all, I was just going to leave them in the living room to find when they woke up on Easter morning. That is until my step son was talking to his Grandma about how excited he was for Easter and that last year it was so cool because the Easter Bunny left clues for them to follow and made it really fun to find their baskets. How could I let him down? After all there are not many years left before the boys catch on.
So I stayed up a little later and created the Easter Bunny's Scavenger hunt. I always start with a letter that I leave usually in the living room, the rest of the clues get folded and placed in plastic Easter eggs with a couple pieces of candy and hidden in the spots indicated in the clues. You can of course do as many as you would like and alter them to places in your household. Have fun and be creative, I have to say I am glad I did it. And no matter how tired or busy I am in years to come I will always make the time to do this. Hopefully they will be good boys and not ruin the fun for their little sister when they stop believing.
Visit the Birthday's, Holiday's and other Funday's page for this and other fun ideas to share with your family!